+ More than 60 members already support the READ-COOP SCE
The Transkribus community keeps growing, we have passed the 40.000 users mark recently, and so does the number of READ-COOP-members. We currently have more than 60 private persons and institutions, who decided to become a co-owner of READ-COOP SCE. Apart from getting discounts on services of the READ-COOP they also have the chance to actively take part in the decision making and voting at the General Meeting. We are proud that well known institutions such as the British Library, the Trinity College Dublin, the Austrian Academy of Science and the University of Cambridge signed the contract.
Our institutional members mostly have an archival, library or university background, so some of the most recent members are the University of Aberdeen (https://www.abdn.ac.uk/), the Kiel University Library (https://www.uni-kiel.de/en/) and the National Archives Luxembourg (https://anlux.gouvernement.lu/en.html). But there are also museums like the Europäische Hansemusem Lübeck (https://www.hansemuseum.eu/), which are taking part in the READ-COOP. What might be interesting: the Kiel University has published an article about their motivation of becoming a member. The text is in German – if you would like to read it or copy it into some kind of online translator, you can do so via this link: https://www.kooperation-international.de/aktuelles/nachrichten/detail/info/staerkung-der-digital-humanities-universitaet-kiel-wird-teil-der-internationalen-read-genossenschaft/
Institutions as well as private persons can become READ-COOP-members and benefit from the advantages connected with that. If you are interested you can get more information here: https://readcoop.eu/join-us/ , if you have more questions, you can always get in touch with us via: info@readcoop.eu. An overview of all the READ-COOP-members you can find on our homepage: https://readcoop.eu/members/