+ Another partner joins the READ project network
The READ project network continues to expand, as we welcome a new Memorandum of Understanding partner from Finland! The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland exists to preserve and promote knowledge about Swedish language and culture in Finland. Swedish is one of Finland’s two national languages and the Society was established in 1885 to help to ensure that Swedish culture was protected in the country.
The Society has a large collection of manuscripts, letters and diaries written by Finnish authors and artists. It is aiming to use Handwritten Text Recognition technology to transcribe letters written by two notable Finns; the painter Albert Edelfelt and the author Zachris Topelius.
This is a great opportunity for READ to work with an institution which plays an essential role in studying and safeguarding the cultural heritage of the Swedish-speaking part of Finland.
Institutions who would also like to become part of the READ project network might like to think about signing a Memorandum of Understanding with us. Consult our list of Memorandum of Understanding partners to see who we’re working with or send us an email (email@transkribus.eu) to find out more.