+ Digitisation blog of the University Archive Greifswald
Dr. Dirk Alvermann of the University Archive Greifswald is one of the pioneers of Transkribus. He already started working with the first version of Transkribus in 2015. Now, he received a grant from the German Science Funds (DFG) for digitising and recognizing about 240,000 pages of court records from the 16th to 18th century. Moreover the University of Greifswald is one of the founding members of READ-COOP SCE.
Dirk Alverman and his team recently put online a blog, which offers explanations on different Transkribus-topics. By having a look at the blog, you will not only get a good understanding of things like reading order, ground truth or layout analysis in Transkribus, but also read about how to use it on your documents. As this project team has already been working with Transkribus for some time, members are able to give an insight into the practical aspects of digitisation projects processed with the help of Transkribus.
Became curious? Have a look at the blog here: https://rechtsprechung-im-ostseeraum.archiv.uni-greifswald.de/
Source: https://www.uni-greifswald.de/universitaet/organisation/verwaltung/stabsstelle-universitaetsarchivkustodie/