+ Meet the READ project partners - Joan Andreu Sánchez
What’s your name?
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Where do you work?
Universitat Politècnica de València
Tell us a bit about your background…
I earned my Diploma and PhD in Computer Science from the Universitat Politèccnica de València, Spain, in 1991 and 1999, respectively. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Universitat Politècnica de València and have been an active member of the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology research center since 1990. My current research interests include the areas of pattern recognition, machine learning, and their applications to language, speech, handwriting recognition and image processing. I have led several Spanish and European research projects and have co-authored more than 80 articles published in international conferences and journals.
What is your role in the READ project?
I lead the Universitat Politècnica de València’s contribution to READ. We are focusing on Handwritten Text Recognition and Keyword Spotting.
What is top of your to-do list at the moment?
To survive another day.
What do you like best about working on READ?
Great team, exciting problems.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I would like to be rich for a day, or just richer!
What can you see out of the window of your office?
Thanks Joan Andreu!