+ Students up for a research competition?
We would like to make you aware of the Innovation in Archival Research Prize, that is organised by the National Archives of the Netherlands and the North Holland Archives. Within the scope of this research prize, the best demonstration of the value of the availability of large quantities of transcripts from the archives of the VOC and Haarlem notaries will be awarded. It is all about showing what new research or visualization possibilities there are, when archives are making use of automatic handwritten text recognition. The competition is connected to the project Making the Iceberg Visible of the National Archives where large quantities of historical documents are automatically transcribed and converted into machine-readable text with Transkribus technology.
If you are a student and interested in taking part in the competition, submit your research results until April 15th 2021. The award ceremony will take place during a hybrid (partly online) symposium on May 31, 2021, where the winner will present her or his research. More information about the award and the requirements for submission can be looked up here: https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/handschriftherkenning
PS: Günter Mühlberger will be one of the jury members ?