Text2Image Parameters
Threshold for text alignment. If the confidence of a text-to-image alignment above this threshold, an alignment is done (default = 0.0). A good value is between 0.01 and 0.05. Note that the confidence is stored in the pageXML anyway, so deleting text alignments with low confidence can also be made later.
can be null, a non-negative double value or a json-string (default:
null). If no value is set or value is “Infinity”, no hyphenation is done.
If value is a positive double value, the value are the additional costs
to recognize a hyphenation. The default hyphenation signs at the end of
the line are ‘¬’, ‘-‘, ‘:’, ‘=’. The default hyphenation signs at the
beginning of the line are empty. There can be hyphenations between all
letter-pairs. If one wants to use hyphenation rules for a specific
language, this can be configured using the key ‘hyphen_lang’.
The hyphenation sign in the groundtruth will be ‘¬’.
If one wants to configure more, one has to write a j-son-string.
prefixes: list of hyphenation sign that can be hyphens at the
beginning of a line (default: empty)
suffixes: list of hyphenation sign that can be hyphens at the end of
a line (default: empty)
skipSuffix: boolean if suffix is optional (true) of forced (false)
(default: false)
skipPrefix: boolean if prefix is optional (true) of forced (false)
(default: false)
hypCosts: non-negative value that produces additional costs to
recognize a hyphenation. (default: 0.0)
pattern: language pattern (e.g. EN_GB, EN_US, DE, ES, FR,…)
(default: empty)
example: “{
one of the 4 suffixes have to be recognized and one of the both
prefixes can be recognized. Hyphenation costs of 6.0 are added.
Hyphenation is only possible as defined for language EN_GB.
if hyphen is given, hyphenation-rules from different languages can be applied. If value = null or empty, a linebreak between all letters is possible (unicode-characters of Category L). Otherwise, a rule is applied ( see https://github.com/mfietz/JHyphenator.git for details). The language have e.g. "DE" for German and "EN" for English. Default = null.
makes it possible to skip a word, for example if a baseline is too short (default: null). The value have to be a positive double value. It repesents the default delete-costs for each character. A good value is 4.0. The higher the value, the less words were skipped. If value = 0, a word can be deleted without producing costs (destroys the algorithm), if value = Infinity, no characters can be deleted.
makes it possible to skip a baseline (default: null). Sometimes the LA finds a baseline in noise (aka false positive). It is possible to delete those baselines instead of "pressing" a sequence into the line. The value has to be positive double value. The lower the value, the easier a line is ignored. A good value is 0.2.
makes it possible to handle wrong reading order in the LA (default: null) The value makes it possible to jump instead of the after a line to every other line. If value = 0, the reading order has no effect at all. If value = Infinity is the same like value = null. If you cannot trust the reading order, set value = 0.
if the number of confmats and references gets too large, one can only keep a specific number of paths at each reference. As default all paths are calculated (like setting value = Infinity). A good value is 200.0