+ Watch presentations from our 'Digital Toolbox' Conference
On 10 October 2016, we asked researchers, archivists and curators to discuss ‘What should be in your Digital Toolbox?’ at our conference in London. This event was organised by the Linnean Society (part of the READ MOU network) and the Bentham Project at University College London (one of the READ partners). Videos and slides of the speakers’ presentations are now available.
![Networking in the Linnean Society Library [Image by Louise Seaward]](https://blog.transkribus.org/hs-fs/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/20161010_151116-1024x576-3.jpg?width=720&height=405&name=20161010_151116-1024x576-3.jpg)
Professor Melissa Terras (University College London), If you teach a computer to READ: Transcribe Bentham, Transkribus, and Handwriting Technology Recognition
Dr Günter Mühlberger (University of Innsbruck), Transkribus as a Toolkit for text Recognition, Transcription and Information Extraction
Dr Roger Labahan (University of Rostock), Key concepts of Handwritten Text Recognition
Dr Mia Ridge (The British Library), The Art of Work in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Professor James Loxley (University of Edinburgh), Lines of Enquiry: Reordering Edinburgh’s Literary History
Dr Elspeth Haston (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh), Automating Label Data Capture from Natural History Specimens
Alison Harding and Lisa Cardy (Natural History Museum/Biodiversity Heritage Library), Unlocking Biodiversity Data @ The Biodiversity Heritage Library
Dr Victoria Van Hyning (University of Oxford/Zooniverse), Metadata Extraction and Full Text Transcription on the Zooniverse Platform